Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Application Deadlines Fall 2023

 Happy Summer! 

But summer is rapidly coming to a close. If you are planning on having scholarship funds for Fall 2023, those applications need to be in ASAP. The funding process can take some time. The Intent To Apply form helps us start the process but is not the final application. 

 The application can be found here. Download a copy to complete. The application and necessary transcripts can be mailed or emailed.


Aunt Pat's Scholarship

c/o Marilee Herman: Trustee

514 N. Orchard Ave

Farmington, NM 87401





When we have received the application and transcript, we can process the disbursement. Funds will be mailed from Tucson, Arizona to YOUR home address. The check will be made out to the applicant AND the educational institution. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Updated Application for 2022

 This link will take you to a pdf of the Application.

Intent to Apply Form

 Please complete this  Intent to Apply Form as soon as possible (at least 45 days before your tuition deadline.)

This allows  us to begin the process of transferring funds from the trust while you gather the required application documents. 

 Intent to Apply Form

Updated Application Procedure

 Congratulations to all you Dean Descendants who are ready for the next step in your educational journey. We would love to help you take advantage Aunt Pat's careful planning and Grandma Gwen's commitment to your education!


As explained in the notebook given to each family, Aunt Pat is Grandma Gwen's sister. She was a school teacher for 45 years. She lived a simple, private life. Consequently, she left quite a financial legacy.  As Pat did not have children or a husband, her estate went to her surviving siblings. She often spoke of wanting to sponsor a scholarship fund. Therefore, Grandma Gwen designated her portion of Pat's estate to this fund.


Each great grandchild of Ray and Gwendolyn Dean is eligible to receive a one-time award of $5000 toward educational expenses. Recipients may receive the scholarship for their first semester of college if they have maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA in high school. Otherwise, recipients may apply after at least one semester in college in which they maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. These GPA requirements were set by Grandma Gwen in the original trust document.


Our funds are managed by the financial advisor of Pat's choosing. They have been very careful, ensuring that funds will be available for all great-grandchildren. In order to pay scholarships, the trustees request funds from those investment accounts. This is not always a quick process, so it is imperative that we know as soon as possible what funds we will need for any given semester.  The Intent to Apply form must be submitted no later than 45 days before funds will be needed by the recipient. The official application, including transcripts, must be received at least 14 days before funds are needed. This gives us the best odds of meeting tuition deadlines. 

Scholarship checks will be made out to the recipient AND the educational institution, and then mailed to the recipient. If the amount of the check exceeds the institution's fees, the institution will issue a refund check to the recipient. It is expected that recipients will use all funds for educational expenses, including room and board, textbooks, computers, equipment, etc.  Recipients will receive a tax form for the year they receive funds. Your individual accountant will need to determine whether or not there is a resulting tax burden for the recipient. The IRS does allow deductions for most educational expenses but we cannot advise the specifics because each case may be different

Partial Payments: Depending on the cost of attendance, some recipients have chosen to divide their award into multiple disbursements, allowing them to better budget for future tuition costs. As trustees, we have no preference for whether or not recipients request multiple disbursements, but we must have adequate notice for when disbursements will be needed. That notice is the responsibility of the recipient. 

How to Apply:

  • Please complete the Intent to Apply form as soon as possible.
  • Complete the official application and mail or email it to :                                                     (Application includes short essay responses, proof of admission, photo, and completed application.)

Aunt Pat's Scholarship Fund                                                                                                                514 North Orchard Ave                                                                                                          Farmington, New Mexico 87401


  • Have official transcripts sent to one of the addresses above. 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Congratulations Class of 2018!

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation from high school! We hope you have plans to attend a college or trade school to better prepare you for your future. The Aunt  Pat Family Scholarship can help you with that.

Do you qualify?

Are you a great-grandchild of Gwen Dean-Schofield?
Are you attending college or trade school in the upcoming semesters?
Did you have a 3.0 Cumulative GPA in high school or a 2.5 GPA in College?

Hooray! You qualify!

Please fill out the scholarship application and mail it, a photo of yourself, and an official transcipt to:

Aunt Pat's Scholarship
c/o Marilee Herman
514 N. Orchard Ave.
Farmington, NM 87401

You may also submit the application and photo digitally to :

We need a hard copy of the transcipt.

Please note that applications must be recieved 90 days prior to needing the funds. Transferring funds from the trust takes a few steps and we want to make sure that you have plenty of time to meet tuition deadlines.

Your scholarship check will be sent to YOUR address, but will be made out to you AND your Educational Institution. You will be responsible to turn the check in to the school to cover your costs. If the scholarship is in excess of what your obligation to the school is, they will issue you a check for the balance.

The Aunt Pat Scholarship is not renewable. It is a one time award, unless you opt to only recieve a partial disbursement depending on your needs.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Scholarship Application

Here is a copy of the Scholarship Application.

Please make sure it is returned in time for funds to be released when you need them!

Application Deadline for Fall Fast Approaching

Congratulations 2016 Graduates!

If you are planning on using your Aunt Pat's Scholarship Funds for Fall Semester, we need to receive your application at least two months prior to the payment deadline for your school, as we must process your request, request funds, and send checks all in time for the payment deadlines.

The application can be found in the "pages" section of this blog.